Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Inspiration is Fleeting & Purpose is Everlasting!

Inspiration is fleeting, it comes and it goes but one thing that stays the same and constant…is its randomness. Its nothing you can predict, its nothing you can draw into occurrence, its nothing that you or anyone else can tell you, but like trying to grasp a liquid or trying to capture the wind is its ability to be managed or even comprehended. People that say, “I’ll wait till I’m inspired before I start that new project,” or “I’ll wait till I read that new book, then I’ll be inspired.”

Why do people settle for less then what it is they are capable of? I believe it is because to acknowledge a certain characteristic or demeanor then the individual would have to use it. That’s just too hard, sorry life is going to always be hard but anything worth doing is always hard. This is because if it was easy you would take it for granted. We all know what we say to ourselves, “I’m really not good at that…” or “I can’t do that…” or “that’s just the way I am and I can’t do anything about that…” What is your “THAT,” we all have one and it is how we manage that one “THAT,” which will make the overall difference in our lives.

Funny or just plain sad? I believe it is a bit of sad cooked up with a bit of ignorance, and please understand I’m not being critical of anyone but I do believe we were all put here to fulfill a certain purpose and abilities given to use by something greater then ourselves. This is because the way your heavenly father looks at you and the potential you have is astounding, we are all Gods most amazing creation. The beautiful birds in the sky, we’re more amazing! The wondrous fish swimming in the great barrier reef, we’re more amazing! The spectacular sunsets that landscape the snowy mountains and crystal blue oceans, we’re more amazing! Now if you were that amazing, do you really think you were put here in this time for no reason? I surely hope you don’t because no matter where you are, or what race or gender, you have a God given PURPOSE!

We all deep down want to believe in something greater then ourselves, because to even have the intellect to pose a complex question in ones own existence, one must understand that the question itself must come from an intellect far greater then our own alone. For the intellect that man has could not be our own alone because to even harness the astuteness to search for meaning of life is a sign of an intelligent designer. Man’s search for meaning is the thumb print of God on your soul, universal to all man kind is that search for a purpose. For even the atheist, begs to God for help in time of trouble. Do you really think an atheist that has an infant child in the intense care unit at a hospital, says “well that’s just life.” They beg, and plead for help. That is universal and just one sign of God not being able to be denied, because the old adage is true, there are no atheist in a fox hole during the heat of battle.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purposePhilippians 2:13. 

Search your heart and seek God because he will reveal your purpose in life if you don't already know it. It was not till I started listening to my heavenly father that I truly understood my own purpose, and is it the most glamorous purpose. Not always, but what it does do is fill me with more joy then I believed was possible. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7 Seek for answers and their will be light shed on them, pray and have an open heart.