Monday, December 19, 2011

Addictive Behavior: Joy and Happiness...WATCH OUT!!!

A life worth living is a life worth living with an upbeat and positive, because the person that is constantly dragging people down will only embody those feeling and perpetuate that harmful behavior within themselves. What do I mean? Look at your inner characteristic of your mind like an empty balloon, now that balloon can be filled with different substances, whether heaven liquid or light gas. 

The liquid filled balloon is much heaver and very fragile. This is much like the person that negatively spews comments or aggressively acts out. Think about it like this, a negative person rarely gets what it is they are seeking, for if the negative individual thinks he or she will attain happiness by riddling others or themselves with harmful thoughts or behaviors, they are sadly mistaken. Remember the notion that you will receive whatever it is you send out into the world, encourage to be encouraged, complement to be complemented, love to be loved and so on and so forth. That simple, but with the negative filled balloon in mind, picture it in your mind. It appears fragile and delicate, and much like a negative individual. This is because the person harnessing all these toxic emotions is usually easily angered or quick to strikeout with even the slightest occurrence. Do you know someone like this, maybe intimately? 

Now with the balloon in mind again, picture filling that balloon with the positive, clean and honest quality’s represented as air. That balloon floats by bouncing from here to there not hurting or causing any aggressive change to the environment. See how the balloon filled with those lightness qualities of the positive air can be dropped from almost any height and will survive, but what would happen with the heavy liquid and negatively filled balloon do if dropped from even the slightest height? Would definitely want to take a step back to insure you don't get your Goofy slippers wet!!

The contrast of the two different types of balloons illustrates the demeanors and is easily notice when speaking a positive or negative attitude in life, but why is it so hard sometimes to see it in the mirror. I believe this is because many of our daily emotions are from constant conditioning, and this means you have had years of practice and just like anything else you have every mastered. You are darn and let me say DARN good at.  Literally no one that reads this is going to opt for a negative mind state, so what can we do about it. First, before I discuss anymore this hole section is written for me because I believe that you too can learn from my experience with these emotionally harmful behaviors and actions. I grew up overweight and I didn’t like who I was as a person, didn’t like the way I looked, didn’t like the way I thought, and I went from place to place fearing my overall life with ample amounts of anxiety. So believe me when I say, I know what it is like to manifest these feelings on a regular basis and I once too was a master of it. One thing I did learn was that success leaves clues and I knew how I wanted to feel, do and act like, so I set out to model behaviors of others with GREAT SUCCESS. So what demeanor are you going to opt for? 

Note: These concepts are those other great teachers like, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Napoleon Hill and many others, so understand that these are time tested concepts put together and made easy for people 5 to 105 years old.

Lets get started:

First, over the course of a couple days write down any negative, fearful, anxiety, envious, or angry comments you make to others or yourself.

Second, once that is done. Look over the list of items, and read each one aloud and ask. Is this how I really feel and is this thought, feeling or action taking me closer too or farther from my major goals in life?

Third, for the reoccurring thoughts, feelings or actions. Write down by each one how you can change them and how you can break the pattern, because like most things you can relearn and recondition yourself with just a little discipline. 

Forth, disrupt this behavior with a reminder of some sort. For me personally, I use a prayer ("I can do all things through Christ, who strengths me") or do something silly to spark laughter (look in the mirror and make a monkey face). This is because I know that my lord with give me strength and with a sense of humor I can take a step back and reevaluate my actions, and from there make wiser decisions then or in the future. Have fun and be crazy!

Fifth and final, make small goals and track progress. An easy was to boost those positive emotions, complement others, encourage someone, make someone laugh because this will help your brain to release chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which is responsible for making you feel happy. Make it a goal to encourage one person a day that is important to you and track how those actions make you feel. Another could be to buy a gift, open a door, lend a helpful hand, or just listen with the intent of helping them and not focusing on you. Be creative and be a good finder in life because it will lead you down a road of happiness!

Whatever it is, track it and make some fun and easy daily goals and you will become addicted to how it makes you feel, SO WATCH OUT!! You might just get your joy back for life and when you do become more happy and fulfilled, tell them how to do the same thing because like that man named Jesus said, “for the greatest among you must become the servant of all.” That servant demeanor will fill you with joy and enable you to live with a positive attitude.

Till tomorrow, live with faith, hope and love because you are magnificent and God put you here to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Believe and you can achieve!!