“Aristotle said
that some people were only fit to be slaves, but I reject slavery because I see
no men fit to be master.” C.s. Lewis
I believe that man can only navigate so
far in life without some sort of divine influence, because true fulfillment
comes to those that can look outside themselves and realize they are not in
full control of themselves. For man’s heart can only be influenced by some
moral laws and principles not there own, and the quicker one realizes that the
faster one grows more abundantly in life. Call me unwittingly unenlightened,
but I am living today more abundant than ever and it is because of something
greater then myself. I know I don’t have everything I desire in life at the
moment, but I know if I stay on this path I will reap a harvest more plentiful
then I could ever image.
Many promises fulfilled and I’m happier then ever!