Monday, December 26, 2011

Thumb Print Of God: Is GOD tugging on your Heart!?!

Throughout many of my experiences in life I have come to the understanding that I need and have a healthy perception on my religious beliefs. After reading the book, “Soul Print: The Path to Fulfillment” by Marc Gafni. I developed a clear understanding on how to enhance my spiritual self. Gafni illustrated a story of a boy flying a kite on a windy day, and the kite was so far that is could not be seen from the ground. A man then approaches the boy that is flying the kite and asks, “what are you doing?” The boy answers, “I’m flying a kite,” and the man asks, “how do you know?” and with wisdom the boy responds, “because of the tug.” This is a true statement when it comes to enhancing my spiritual self, because the most fundamental part of any religion is that of faith in something bigger then a mortal self. Nevertheless, with that understanding I believe that when I feel God “tugging” on my heart, I then need to recognize it and use it to further my spiritual walk with God. 
Within the reading the overall arching message is that of divine understand and comprehension of how God interacts with us on a spiritual level. Gafni is a self proclaimed “post denominational” Rabbi, but does not consider himself to be orthodox within the Jewish faith. Moreover, this has shaped his core beliefs and has undoubtedly shaped his intent within this writing. Gafni explains the “soul print is your spiritual signature. It is the contour and content of your soul, its character.” I believe this is important to understand because it demonstrates that each individual in the world bares his or her own unique thumbprint, and I believe Gafni understands this as a God given trait. In addition, the intent of Gafni can be recognized in him stating, “the ability to respond to the unique call of your soul print is essential to achieving joy and fulfillment in the world.” I understand this as fulfilling the intent of the author, because Gafni is extremely vocal on walking with God to enhance and enjoy life. Moreover, I believe that Gafni’s intent is that of spiritual awakening and living out an individuals skill set with God in his or her heart and mind, and that will lead to a life full of happiness and bliss. 
This concept of a spiritual “soul print” can be used in many aspects within my life. Within my work life I have always felt those how succeed the most within our culture enjoy what it is they do for a living, and with this concept in mind makes perfect sense. My creator put me on this planet to help as many people as possible overcome obstacle and conquer goals, and I believe I’m in a related field now doing that as a personal trainer. This reduces my stress level because most individuals throughout our society are chasing after monetary articles and objects. This is because most of the time individuals are suffering stressful work environments and dread working day to day. Myself though I enjoy helping people accomplish goals and that fills my life with happiness and fulfillment. In addition, with the concept of feeling the “tug” of the kite or the “tug” on my heart, I can see that by listening to what it is God it telling me will further enhance my spirituality and reduce much stress within my life. This is because I believe that “if God be for me, then who be against me” and that very concept makes me feel confident in my faith and in return reduces my stress.