Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Orchestrated life, increasing your JOY daily!

Its very funny to think that you were put here for someone else’s entertainment, to think that you were born, developed knowledge, worked to create lasting relationships, gave of your: self, time, love, money, etc. God knows what you are going to do before you do it, so that means that your life is already mapped out for others to laugh, cry, have faith in. We do have free will to make decisions, but God is so all knowing that he knows what you are going to do. So think that interaction you had with your loved one today was mapped out before you had it this morning, the girl that smiled at you at the gym and made you feel good about yourself, the encouraging comment your friend said to you that filled you with joy…all mapped out!

Do you think that you have lived up to the greatest version of yourself today, and not yesterday, but right here in this moment. Have you? The joy that comes from helping others is more overwhelming then you know, it is like an emotional gas tank that you are filling every time you do something nice for someone else. Think about it, why do people like the holidays so much? Even though many gripe and complain about having to spend copious amounts of time for others, and how expensive it all is. We all love to see the person that you bought it for, smile and say thank you for it. It then doesn’t really matter about price anymore, but more that little deed you did for them and the affect it had on your emotional health and wellbeing. I know many of use might not think in these terms, but the more you feel those pleasurable sensations, the more we will proceed to continue them. 

How bout this thought, do you believe in your heart that people are lucky to have you in their life? If not, why not? Are you self indulged, are you greedy, are you selfish. What is it? I know it is usually something you can see in the mirror, but if you feel that you are not positively impacting others live then you might feel unfulfilled. What was the last nice thing you did for someone else and how many times in the last week? Doesn’t have to be anything big, but something you did for someone else with out wanting anything in return. A complement, bought coffee for a stranger or friend, just because? If it is once or twice, you are missing out of opportunity’s to bring extra fulfillment to your life with little or no cost to you. But the joy comes from doing for others, the things that they could do for themselves but you choose to do for them just because. Did you know that I don’t have too call or text my friend to say, “thanks for being a positive influence in my life, and I appreciate everything you do for me.” No, I don’t but I also don’t have to put on deodorant in the morning either, but I hope your not opposed to that either. I do it for them because I care about this person, and it fills me with clean and positive emotions that will fill mine and their emotional gas tank. That’s why I do it. 

An upbeat positive individual is someone that will have friends everywhere they go, be a friend to have friend, be an encouraging significant other to have a encouraging significant other, be caring to be cared for, be inspirtational to be inspired. So on and so forth, I’m often asked, wont people take advantage of you and your niceity’s? Some will, and you have to understand that, and take those people for what they are for in life. One must consciously realize that you are not so much doing it for them all the time, but doing it for yourself. Most people are attracted to others that are what quality’s they either have or want to have in life. 

How can you to increase some of the joy that comes from helping others? This is just common sense, but most people miss something’s that are as plain as the nose on there faces. Give when giving is hard, complement just to complement and embody the emotions that you want others you come in contact to have. Thats it, that simple! Make it a daily goal to do one nice thing for another person, a gift, encouragement, a hug, a smile, a inspiring text message. Whatever it is, do it now and be creative, because like the golden rule states "do for others, what you want others to do for you." 

Happiness is simple, so keep it that way! Live, Love, Inspire because you are magnificent God made you that way, so start believing it and start reaping those rewards!